Make Partial and Fully Product Receipt of PO also make Partial and Fully Invoicing of PO in ax 2012 using X++
In this blog we will discuss how to make partial and fully product receipt and also partial and fully invoice of PO using x++. Importing data from .CSV Microsoft file which contain PO data and converting the purchase order status to invoiced status by a two-way matching process. Functional Process In AP Module > Accounts payable parameter we create an AP automation Tab. which contain file path and archieve folder path. In periodic tab, there is an custom form AP automation. Process of PO Data Here is the .CSV file which contain PO data. Upload file, and give Invoice number and product receipt number if PO status is opened order. Process the file. Now, Product receipt number and invoice number is created of that lines which are uploaded from the file. Repeating same process to Invoice all lines of PO partially, to make the status of PO Invoiced. Process of Non-PO Data Upload Non PO data and process it. It will create reference journal ...