Send email using .Net framework
This code will send email using .Net Framework.
Create email template:
Goto : Organization adminstration > Setup > E-mail templates.
Create E-mail template give E-mail ID, E-mail description, Default language, Sender name, Sender e-mail.
set the email body of above-created record.
Goto: E-mail message and set e-mail body as below.
static void SendEmployeesDataInEmail(Args _args)
System.Net.Mail.MailMessage mailMessage;
System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient smtpClient;
SystemParameters systemParameters;
Email emailFrom, emailTo;
SysEmailMessageTable message;
SysEmailId sysEmailId;
EmployeeTable employeeTable;
Map mappings;
str subject, smtpServer, messageBody;
systemParameters = SystemParameters::find();
// Email template Id
sysEmailId = 'Employees'; gfdgf
// Sender email address
emailFrom = SysEmailTable::find(sysEmailId).SenderAddr;
emailTo = '';
mappings = new Map(Types::String, Types::String);
// Table headers
// this will replace variable with actual value.
mappings.insert('empid', 'Employee Id');
mappings.insert('empname', 'Employee Name');
mappings.insert('location', 'Location');
mappings.insert('email', 'Email Address');
// Return SysEmailMessageTable e.g Email subject, email or template body
message = SysEmailMessageTable::find(sysEmailId, SysEmailTable::find(sysEmailId).DefaultLanguage);
// messageBody is a string type, message.Mail = Email template or body
messageBody = SysEmailMessage::stringExpand(message.Mail , SysEmailTable::htmlEncodeParameters(mappings));
while select EmpId, EmployeeName, Location, Email from employeeTable
// this will replace variable with actual value.
mappings.insert('empid', employeeTable.EmpId);
mappings.insert('empname', employeeTable.EmployeeName);
mappings.insert('location', employeeTable.Location);
mappings.insert('email', employeeTable.Email);
// Old body is concatinated with the new body, eg. Table header + first row or record of the table
messageBody = messageBody + SysEmailMessage::stringExpand(message.Mail , SysEmailTable::htmlEncodeParameters(mappings));
smtpServer = SysEmaiLParameters::find(false).SMTPRelayServerName;
mailMessage = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(emailFrom,emailTo);
// Email body
smtpClient = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient(smtpServer);
info('Email sent');
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